TECTRE: Passionate About Diversity




Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion



Building an understanding of your culture and aspirations for inclusivity.

Offering solutions, guidance and positivity along the way.


Training for your teams and leadership.  Flexible solutions to support your current stage of equality, diversity and inclusion provision.


Finding the right candidates and offering practical support for your positive action campaigns around attracting diversity to your team. 


Unconscious Bias

A range of workshops on Unconscious or Implicit Bias which help people become aware of the impact of unmanaged bias in the workplace and support planning for change.

Training for technical teams

Supporting your commitment to customer service by strengthening your technical team's customer communications and consultancy skills.

ED&I for Talent Managment

Training and consultancy for recruitment and talent managment teams which take account of your current state of play and will support your aspirations on inclusivity.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Whether we are building from the foundations to bring about awareness or  working with teams to embed their strategy, we will bring teams up to speed as part of your ED&I project.

Inclusive Leadership Skills

Training for established managers and leaders on inclusive leadership skills.

"Great content delivered by a friendly, approachable and knowledgable trainer."

Course attendee


16 November 2022

Tectrebites: Data & Diversity

FREE 30 minutes webinar - LIVE ONLINE VIA ZOOM

Join us over lunchtime for a bite-sized look at how data can play a vital role in your diversity planning and progress.

Do you feel that you are not making as much progress with your equality, diversity and inclusion objectives as you think you ought to be? Do you have a handle on your numbers? Monitoring and gathering data is critical to understanding where you are starting from and seeing where your efforts are paying off and where they aren’t.

During this session we will explore the benefits of monitoring for diversity, how to go about it and outline the powerful insights data can offer.

Wednesday 16 November  12.00pm - 12.30pm

18 January 2023

Tectrebites: Targets vs Quotas

FREE 30 minutes webinar - LIVE ONLINE VIA ZOOM

Join us over lunchtime for a bite-sized look at the arguments surrounding diversity targets vs quotas.

There continues to be a lot of discussion around using targets or quotas to ensure that underrepresented groups see equity. The debate is often a heated one with polarising and emotive views in play.

This short session will look at the benefits and detractors of both approaches, explore where they may work well and where they are most likely to fail and will allow the audience some guided debate on the matter.

Wednesday 18 January  12.00pm - 12.30pm

16 MARCH 2022

Unconscious Bias - Exploring New Ways of Thinking


Unchecked unconscious or implicit biases in the workplace can lead to poor outcomes for your people, on the balance sheet and can have negative effects on the processes of innovation. 

This workshop encourages exploration about the personal biases we all naturally hold. It also offers space to discuss the impact of bias in the workplace and finding ways to mitigate against them in order to best support your organisation's diversity and inclusion focus. 

Wednesday 16th March  10.15am - 2.15pm

7 September 2022

Tectrebites: Microbehaviours

Free 30 minutes webinar - LIVE ONLINE VIA ZOOM

Wednesday 7 September  12.00pm - 12.30pm

Join us over lunchtime for a bite-sized introduction to microbehaviours.

Microbehaviours are subtle, commonplace occurrences that can have a huge impact on people and organisations. By understanding what they are, becoming aware of them and adjusting our behaviour we can all have a positive affect on those around us.

In this session you'll learn how to identify harmful microbehaviours, understand the effect they can have on individuals and take away some tools to help you challenge them.

28 February 2023

Tectrebites: Microbehaviours and their impact on inclusion in education

FREE 30 minutes webinar - LIVE ONLINE VIA ZOOM

Specifically for those working in Education, join us for a webinar and introduction to Microbehaviours.  Microbehaviours are subtle, commonplace occurrences that can have a huge impact on people and organisations. By understanding what they are, becoming aware of them and adjusting our behaviour we can all have a positive effect on those around us. In this session, you'll learn how to identify harmful microbehaviours, understand the effect they can have on individuals and take away some tools to help you challenge them.

Weds 1st February 2023 4pm

We have been teaching and training people about Unconscious Bias since the beginning of this century. We regularly speak on the subject to large and small audiences across the UK and Europe and published a book with chapters on Unconscious Bias in 2021.

12 October 2022

Introduction to ED&I and Unconscious Bias

Discovering the possibilities of change in your organisation


Join Tectre Ltd for this full day course which will explore the positive impact of embracing diversity and inclusion within your organisation.

Throughout the day participants will explore their own biases and seek to understand the bias around them. We will look at how organisations can make changes to enhance overall diversity and inclusion and be able to attract and retain diverse candidates.

Wednesday 12 October 9.30am - 4.30pm Refreshments and lunch included

21 September 2022

Building a better company culture

with ED&I Best Practice


Join Tectre Ltd for this full day course taking an in-depth look at what influences company culture and how it can be improved. This course is for anyone who wants to explore the impact of micro-inequities in the workplace and understand that bias can turn into discriminatory or hurtful behaviour.

Participants will increase own awareness and be better equipped to have uncomfortable conversations and feel more confident at challenging behaviour.

Wednesday 21 September 9.30am - 4.30pm Refreshments and lunch included